Tag Archives: tea

Business Inovation Fair, 12/12/12 @ 12pm reaction portrait photography

I created a stall for the business innovation fair with the idea behind me that in terms of creating a career for myself in photography I would like to start up a “real” portraiture service. I would collect emotions, reactions, whatever, gaged on their chosen activity if they could not choose I would choose something for them. Making your everyday family photographs more character based that a staged, dodgy backdrop do.

I set up my stall with a makeshift studio next to it and brought different sized and kinds of cake and scolding hot tea. The idea was to put the entire cake in your mouth or sip the roasting hot tea (not may opted for this, unsurprising, but good effort those who did!) and I would capture the various reactions on camera.

My table was often crowded and it seems most of us will do just about anything for a free slice of cake!

Here is a small selection from today, unedited:




The lighting setup I used is on the diagram below:



It is basically a rembrandt light set up using a soft box but there was a quite a bit of ambient light in the room also. You don’t get the full rebrandt affect, if at all due to the subjects constant movement.

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